Differentiate From Other Aesthetic Centers With Electrostimulation Treatments

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Aesthetic Centers With Electrostimulation

Competition in the sector is fierce. New aesthetic centers are emerging all the time that are even better prepared to compete to attract the same target audience. The commercial battle between them depends, above all, on the image projected.

“Electrostimulation or EMS emerges as an opportunity to grow your business and differentiate yourself”.

These establishments have long been required to have a real commitment to their customers, an extraordinary vocation for service and a permanent search for user satisfaction. In this context, electro-stimulation or EMS emerges as a business opportunity and differentiation that is unquestionable.

The brands preferred by consumers are those that offer something more, that are different and bring additional benefits to their customers. As far as aesthetic centers are concerned, this reality is identical. Electrical muscle stimulation offers great contributions to their aesthetic and health status. It is spectacular to treat cellulite, fight cellulite or improve the stress and release tensions or improve the pelvic floor, to mention a few effective applications.

Its benefits are immediate, visible in just a few sessions, and the client’s satisfaction translates into new alternative income and an unbreakable loyalty.

If you want to bet on a clear competitive growth of your aesthetic business, pressotherapy and electro-stimulation will help you enormously. Especially if you choose to partner with Onnafit: our leadership in the industry is unquestionable.

Innovative technology in the Aesthetic Centers

Today’s aesthetic centers play a dual role in customer satisfaction:

  1. Improve the external or physical state of each person.
  2. Raise the self-esteem and self-confidence of your clientele.

Aesthetic is increasingly seen as a global activity. Outward appearance influences how we feel and vice versa: if we are happy and confident, we glow more. Logically, the choice of this type of professional is based on trust and results. That is why, when you incorporate to your company a cutting-edge technology that offers visible satisfaction in the first sessions, the degree of acceptance and loyalty of your audience multiplies unstoppably.

Innovation is the best way to stand out from the competition and stand out from it, and the digitalization of aesthetic centers is increasingly implemented, so the Onnafit electrostimulation system combines perfectly in this picture that arises.

Electrostimulation is a timely solution which has been perfectly tested and validated by all types of studies, by experience and, most importantly, by its users. Through short sessions of 20 to 30 minutes, you offer your clientele real solutions for a wide range of aesthetic aspects.

Here are some of the services and benefits of implementing this EMS technology:

  • Reducing cellulite.
  • Solving the flaccidity in the arms.
  • Toning and improving their muscles.
  • Showing off a spectacular abdomen with less effort.
  • Rounding and shaping the glutes.
  • Losing weight (along with healthy eating).
  • Easing stress and emotional tension.
  • Rehabilitating injuries, recovering and obtaining physiotherapeutic improvements.
  • Sleeping better.
  • Getting in shape after childbirth.
  • Controlling and strengthening the pelvic floor.

Bringing reliable, affordable and real solutions to your customers is a must. Try it without obligation, we adapt to your business.

aesthetic centers

Efficient Technology for Aesthetic Centers

At Onnafit we offer you the most advanced electrostimulation system in the world. It has been scientifically proven that it improves people’s quality of life and, in the field of aesthetic, it provides all the benefits we have just mentioned. And it does so quickly, reliably and sustainably.

Already in the first sessions of the treatments, those who receive them begin to appreciate significant advances. Their expectations are quickly met, so they keep requesting these services and recommending them to their close circle!

We are a company backed by risk-free excellence that is full of benefits. We defend our leadership on all five continents and we are already present in more than forty countries, where we are valued in terms of trust, performance and strength.

If you are looking for a boost, a reinforcement or a new growth opportunity for your business, don’t hesitate. We have FDA certification, issued by the most prestigious scientific institutions, which endorse our products. In addition, as soon as you incorporate our technology, we provide you with ongoing advice and continuous training. You will always have a clear understanding of how to deal with your customers!

We have a wide range of electrical muscle stimulation solutions focused on aesthetic, but also on fitness and health. Either for removing cellulite, o slimming, reshaping the figure or improving well-being, among other uses, we have the ideal system and program for all types of goals.

Onnafit adapts to the Aesthetic Centers business

We are specialists in electro-stimulation and we develop cutting-edge technology of the highest level. Our products are so effective that they have been endorsed by the most prestigious scientific institutions. Its effects can be appreciated starting from the first uses, so users feel satisfied at all times.

Don’t you think these are enough attributes for success? Of course, we consider it an unbeatable starting point. However, we have gone a step further in our expansion policy: we have become a partner you can reference, we are reliable and always committed to the development of your activity.

So much so that we adapt to each and every one of the aesthetic centers with which we collaborate. We are not satisfied with providing incomparable benefits applicable to health, fitness and aesthetic. If you count on our technology, we commit to your development as if you were one of our own.

Convenience of using Onnafit in the Aesthetic Centers

Incorporating our services into your business is much easier than you think. We take care of (almost) everything. We provide you with the EMS devices that best suit your circumstances. We provide you with cutting-edge training with which you will be able to develop this activity in optimal conditions. Afterwards, we are at your disposal and we will permanently advise you on any doubts or concerns you may have.

In the process, we even recommend the equipment that best suits your facilities, your commercial image and the type of public you are targeting. This greatly simplifies your job, while greatly increasing your chances of success by incorporating these EMS services.

Once the systems are installed in your establishment, you just have to apply them according to the training you have received thanks to our e-learning platform and verify the satisfaction of your customers, and enjoy seeing how more clients are attracted to your services of electrical muscle stimulation or by the favorable comments of others.

Why does Onnafit work in other Aesthetic Centers?

The answer is very simple: because Aesthetic centers benefit from this collaboration. When you expand your service portfolio with these EMS formulas, you build loyalty and attract more users. Your brand image improves rapidly and your fame, in parallel, is also strengthened thanks to commercial success.

“Within a couple of months, the initial investment will have paid for itself“.

In addition, a fundamental issue is economic. The initial outlay required, despite being technological devices of the highest level, is very affordable. And best of all, within a couple of months, the initial investment will have paid for itself. From that moment on, each new service provided or client received through this business area will result in almost total benefits for the establishment. You will notice that the costs of providing these services are almost non-existent. On this occasion, productivity and economic benefit are proportional.

Advantages of incorporating electro to your Aesthetic Center

Shall we summarize? At this point, you’ve probably started to think that it sounds like an excellent idea to incorporate EMS into your aesthetic center’s catalogue of activities. Here are some of the advantages already enjoyed by some fitness and aesthetic centers.

  • Expansion of their services in aesthetic issues such as cellulite reduction, water retention, recovery after childbirth or muscle toning. Results are guaranteed and can be seen quickly.
  • Loyalty and satisfied customers.
  • Attracting new audiences.
  • Increasing of the average sale.
  • Truly profitable and visible services. After the quick amortization of the purchase of the equipment (a couple of months, approximately), you get an economic gain with very little dedication and less risk.
  • Professional support and back-up, and ongoing training from real specialists.
  • Differentiation from the competition.
  • Innovation and business digitalization.
  • Modernization and new areas of commercial exploitation.

Do you now understand why the best aesthetic centers are incorporating all types of electrostimulation solutions into their facilities?

If you are sure about it, don’t wait any longer: now is the time. Leave us your details here and we will tell you how to set up this project that will undoubtedly boost the growth of your business.

Aesthetic Centers With Electrostimulation

In the meantime, subscribe to our newsletter and receive the latest news from this exciting sector!

Frequently asked questions about Aesthetic Centers

How can electrostimulation attract more clients to my Aesthetic Centers?

Electrostimulation is a growing trend in the aesthetic sector due to its ability to offer visible results in muscle toning and cellulite reduction without the need for invasive procedures. By offering this service, you can attract clients who are looking for an efficient and comfortable alternative to improve their figure, which sets you apart from the competition.

Is it profitable to incorporate electrostimulation in a Aesthetic Centers?

Yes, electrostimulation is a worthwhile investment. Electrostimulation equipment typically has a long lifespan, and the cost per session is relatively low compared to other treatments. By offering session packages, you can generate recurring revenue and build customer loyalty. Plus, visible, short-term results encourage customers to return for further treatment.

How can electrostimulation increase the competitiveness of my business?

Including electrostimulation in your service offering allows you to differentiate yourself from other Aesthetic Centers. This treatment is considered high-tech and cutting-edge, which can position your center as an innovative and modern place. In addition, by combining electrostimulation with other beauty treatments, you can offer customized packages that appeal to a wider variety of clients.

Does electrostimulation improve the image of my Aesthetic Centers?

Offering electrostimulation positions your beauty center as a place that uses advanced technology and innovative treatments. This generates trust in clients and differentiates you from other centers that only offer traditional services. In addition, it contributes to creating an image of modernity and professionalism.

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