Do you want your aesthetic center be one step ahead of the rest? Are you looking for an alternative that positions your business as a space dedicated to wellness from health? Electrostimulation may be the solution you are looking for. With this service you will be able to follow in the footsteps of rehabilitation and physiotherapy centers and become an ally for your clients on their way to improving their health and physical appearance.
Delivers speed and results in Aesthetic Center
Onnafit allows you to offer your clients results in a very short time. Thanks to this, you will make them feel motivated with the treatment and they will trust your services and the latest in Wellness technology. The software offers you different programs as well as control, and allows you to customize sessions for clients of all ages and fitness levels.
If you personalize the electro-stimulation sessions to each profile, they can be dynamic and fun. It’s not just a passive training system, you can combine the action of electrodes with movements and postures that allow you to multiply these benefits:
Lose fat and lose weight
Although weight loss is not the main objective of some clients who seek this type of service, it is a positive effect that is very attractive to them. If you offer other weight loss services, Onnafit may be the ideal treatment to complement them.
“20,000 muscle contractions in a 30-minute session.”
As a result of its action on basal metabolism, your clients’ bodies will be able to burn fat faster and they will see the effects last longer. In addition, it has a very powerful effect when used locally on areas such as the abdomen or the glutes.
Onnafit is capable of producing more than 20,000 muscle contractions in a 30-minute session. In other words, it is much more effective to activate them than a gym session. This causes the client’s lactic acid levels to rise considerably.
If you go deeper into how this substance acts in the body, you will realize that it promotes fat burning. Not only while you are doing the treatment, but this effect lasts up to 20 or 30 minutes after the treatment.
Toning the glutes
Even if you go to the gym regularly and work muscle groups, it is hard to see results with exercise alone. The strategic placement of the electrodes helps to work very specific areas to achieve precise results.
Firm and lifted glutes are more fashionable than ever and the procedures related to this subject are some of the most demanded both at aesthetic centers and in consultations with plastic surgeons. The ability to offer holistic and effective treatment to clients of all types will attract attention towards your company.
Onnafit allows you to lift your glutes without surgery. By strengthening the entire muscle group, your clients will achieve firmer and lifted looking glutes. Moreover, as the results are progressive and visible from the first sessions, this facilitates control over the evolution and is reversible.
If you also take into account that this type of treatment is very effective for reducing cellulite, it will be difficult for you not to see its potential. Clients will not only improve the structure of their glutes, they will also see an improvement in their overall appearance and get rid of orange peel skin.
Eliminate flaccidity in arms and legs
As we get older, our body’s ability to synthesize collagen is greatly reduced. This results in the loss of muscle mass. Especially if they don’t exercise, your clients will notice that their body changes. They will start to get what are known as bat wings on your triceps and knees, and their thighs will appear to have excess skin.
With Onnafit’s double action you will be able to help improve the appearance of the people who purchase your services in a progressive and effective way. On the one hand, you will act on the appearance of the skin which, as a result of the electrostimulation, will appear smoother and tighter. On the other hand, you’ll also work on what’s underneath it.
Triceps, quads and abductors will be more toned. As a result they will have a more defined shape and a firmer appearance. The body will look rejuvenated and more fit and the results will last for several weeks after the treatment. Unlike exercising in a gym, this effect will be visible in just a few sessions and is safe for all types of people.
Fight cellulite
This aesthetic problem affects more than 90% of women worldwide. It is produced when the adipose tissue is dystrophied and deposited in an irregular way, giving rise to the famous and unwanted orange peel skin. There are creams, slimming products and other types of solutions that promise to put an end to it, but the truth is that it is very difficult to achieve a visible and permanent effect.
Pressotherapy, for example, promotes the activation of circulation and lymphatic drainage, but its effects last for a very limited time. If the client does not continue to undergo regular treatments, she will quickly return to her initial state.
However, with Onnafit the results are longer lasting. By working on the muscular and dermal level, the transformation is much more profound. Once treatment is completed, as long as a balanced diet is maintained, recall sessions will only be necessary every six months.
Depending on the objectives to be pursued, in addition to improving skin tone and firmness, it has a slimming effect. Once the treatment is completed, you will be able to say goodbye to 18 to 20% of localized fat.

Improve the quality of sleep and reduce stress
We all know the importance of physical exercise in regulating sleep patterns and reducing anxiety levels. This is because muscle activity helps us release hormones such as serotonin, melatonin and beta endorphins. Offering Onnafit to your customers will provide them with similar benefits.
As it is an electrostimulation system, the muscles contract and act in a similar way to when you are exercising. So when you use it with your clients for aesthetic treatments, their brain understands that they are doing a physical activity of high intensity and starts to secrete the same hormones.
This side effect is very beneficial and you can even use it as a treatment for people who have problems with relaxation and find it difficult to disconnect from everyday life. Combine it with a few massage sessions and multiply the results of each individual process. In a world that is moving faster and faster, we are sure that this type of service will become more and more successful.
Take care of your health and general wellbeing
In addition to its aesthetic use, you can offer Onnafit for various health-related benefits. Help your clients to improve their sporting performance or in their recovery process after childbirth. Beyond aesthetics, some of its applications can be:
- Strengthening of the pelvic floor: High-impact exercise, childbirth or the body’s own natural aging can cause this part of the body to weaken. This leads to problems such as urinary incontinence, prolapse or sexual problems. Proper use of our electrostimulation system can alleviate these effects and improve the wellbeing of those who use it.
- Reducing back pain: If your clients complain on a regular basis about back pain, offer them a session voucher with Onnafit. Through the action of EMS you can stimulate all the muscles responsible for supporting the body. With this work you will produce a double effect: you will be able to correct postural errors and, at the same time, even strengthen the back muscles.
- Relief of chronic pain: The electrical muscle stimulation or EMS (Electronic Muscular Stimulation) helps people with mobility problems or pain caused by stress to relieve them through the appropriate stimulation of the area, such as in cases of multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia, electrostimulation can work as a TENS system.
- Correction of muscular imbalances: If tennis players did not train their non-dominant arm, they would have one part of their musculature much more developed than the other. This also happens in everyday life, when certain postures and lack of stretching hyper develop some muscles and atrophy others. Thanks to the intensity of Onnafit you can help your clients to avoid these effects and improve their well-being.
- Postpartum recovery: Although the time it takes for the body to return to normal depends on each woman, with EMS you can help your users shorten it. Not only will they burn fat and tone the belly area, they will also strengthen other parts of the body that may have been affected by pregnancy and childbirth.
What are you waiting for to create an offer based on integral wellness that differentiates you from other aesthetic centers? Onnafit’s EMS will allow you to offer a wide range of services with benefits for all types of profiles. Get in touch with us and ask us a question or subscribe to our blog and keep up to date with all our news.

Frequently asked questions about your aesthetic center
What are the benefits of electrostimulation in a aesthetic center?
Electrostimulation can offer multiple benefits, such as improving muscle tone, reducing cellulite, toning specific areas of the body, and increasing blood circulation. It can also help speed up muscle recovery and improve the overall appearance of the skin.
Is electrostimulation suitable for all skin and body types?
Electrostimulation is generally safe for most people, but is not recommended for those with certain health conditions, such as a pacemaker, heart problems, or during pregnancy. It is important to consult with a professional before beginning treatment to ensure it is suitable for you.
What are the costs associated with incorporating electrostimulation in your beauty center?
Costs include the purchase of equipment, staff training and ongoing maintenance of the devices. However, these costs can be quickly recouped through demand for new services and the sale of treatment packages.